Sprint #3

Sprint Dates

Lab (Mon/Tues) then Meeting (Thurs/Fri)

Meeting (Mon/Tues) then Lab (Thurs/Fri)

Sprint Start Date

Thurs 2/8

Mon 2/5

Sprint End Date

Wed 2/21

Sun 2/18

Due Date

Wed 2/21 by 11:59 PM ET

Sprint Tasks

✓ Professional Development

The Data Mine Corporate Partners program is a professional development program. We want to help you develop the skills you need to be successful in your career. We will have a variety of professional development activities throughout the semester.

In each sprint, you will complete one Gradescope Quiz on this sprint’s professional development topics.

When: Due Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Read Data Classification and Handling and take the quiz in Gradescope.

Where: Complete the knowledge check for this professional development training on Gradescope in the assignment "Sprint 3: Professional Development".

Why: The Data Mine Corporate Partners students work with proprietary data from many company. It is important to for students to learn how to classify and handling data.

When: Due Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Please read about data security in The Data Mine and take the quiz in Gradescope.

Where: Complete the knowledge check for this professional development training on Gradescope in the assignment "Sprint 3: Professional Development".

Why: The Data Mine Corporate Partners students work with proprietary data from many company. It is important for students to learn how to keep company data secure.

When: Due Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Watch Being a good Team member (4 minutes).

Where: Complete the knowledge check for this professional development training on Gradescope in the assignment "Sprint 3: Professional Development".

Why: These concepts may not be new to you, but learning how to be an effective team member is an important skill to have when working on data mine projects with companies.

✓ Sprint #3 Report

When: Due Wednesday, Febuary 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Answer the questions in the Sprint #3 Report accessed on Gradescope. You can draft your answers in a separate document then you will write your answers directly in the Gradescope assignment.

Where: Gradescope